Currently writing this on a train, from Toronto to Montreal.
Travel embiggens the soul. It is an activity that we can all do, and all have fun! It is a chance to put our best foot forward, and live life as nicely as possible!
Here are my thoughts and tips, that I have accumulated:
- Train
- Generally, don’t really enjoy this mode! My biggest concerns are the speed, the slow wifi, and the relatively expensive price. Indeed, one of the biggest issues is lack of folding tray, so that you don’t even have a good base to work on!
- Flight
- Overall, it is pretty nice! Although the actual flight is kind of a downtime for devices and connectivity, the time in the air is usually not too bad. And the entire process or journey of going on a flight mentally fortifies you for the experience of travel!
- Car
- One of the best, if you can swing it. However, if you are driving up solo then it can be kind of wasteful and ineffective to commute by car. Apparently, my Rotary mentor used to commute from Montreal to Toronto everyday! (5:30 to 9)
What was the opporunity cost of going? Fri night: (working out) Sat night: (??); probably a coding challenge Sun night: some volleyball